Policy Officer

Norma Smyth - Policy Officer
Contact Norma Smyth
  • labour.wealdsouth@gmail.com
Norma Smyth has lived in Ashford since the seventies. Until her retirement she was a teacher and Deputy Head. Her links with the Labour Party began in Greater Manchester and from the beginning she has held a variety of posts from Chair to Political Education Officer. She has also forged a link with local communities from becoming a Trustee of various charities. She was, for example, Chair of Folkestone and District Mind.She was particularly delighted to give the voters of Weald South an opportunity to vote Labour in the 2023 Local Government Elections. Her wide experience gives her a sensitive understanding of the problems of rural Kent. She recognises, for example, the need for a delicate balance between providing affordable housing and preserving the beauty of our county’s villages. She recognises, too, the need to improve education and skills for all so that we are ready to welcome the light industry and business enterprise our town needs so badly. She recognises that Ashford should be a transport hub. Rural public transport needs to be vastly improved and our link to the continent restored.The town of Ashford needs to become a fitting centre for such renewed activity and prosperity with a restoration of its historic centre, with support for a vibrant cultural life and with a higher standard of planning.Norma has witnessed over the years a decline in the quality of life in our corner of Kent. A Labour Council would bring its power and influence to bear upon improving the lives of all.

Norma  Smyth is the Policy Officer of the Constituency Party. She was elected to the  post in October 2021. Since she joined the Labour Party in her twenties, she has held a variety of positions including Branch Secretary and Chair of the Constituency Party. Her outside interests include the Arts, Mental Health charities and she has been Chair of a board of School Governors.

One of the pleasures of retirement from her busy life as a Deputy  Head and Head of English has been the opportunity to devote more time to Labour Party affairs. She has always aimed to help bring Labour to Ashford with all that means in providing a powerful opposition to the ruling party.

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